Ulisses AV


Table multifonctionnelle avec plateau rabattable et coins arrondis

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An elegant design and multifunctional calling come together in the Ulisses AV table on castors with flip-top and rounded corners. This table is IBEBI’s answer to all situations where having versatile furniture is cherished. Ulisses moves easily thanks to the castors, and transforms in a jiffy depending on needs, without obstructing. In fact, the half-segment AV shape allows you to form an elongated round table, which can be obtained simply by joining another table of the same shape. Suitable for any type of office, with its generous dimensions and the different possible configurations, the Ulisses table is particularly suitable for furnishing meeting rooms and shared workspaces. Thanks to its modern design, this table on castors is a sharp and versatile choice for a refined work environment. The die-cast aluminium foot gives a touch of further elegance to this piece of furniture, available in different top lengths and depths.


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